Sunshine Blogger Award


It must be awards season since this past week I was nominated for not 1, not 2 but 3 different Blogger Awards. I am so psyched. I think it is an honor to be recognized by your peers; especially as a new Blogger, the recognition means a lot to me and, as such, I intend to respond to each and every one of the nominations. Therefore, I am apologizing in advance for inundating your WordPress Reader feed with my self-indulgent award posts responses.

First up is the Sunshine Blogger Award – I would like to thank the amazing and very spiritually aware (i.e. MoonChild Nova) for this nomination.

Here are the rules for this award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them (see above).
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.
  • Here are the 11 questions I was asked:
  1. What’s your biggest accomplishment of 2018 thus far?

Apart from amicably settling a nightmare case that has been going on since 2016 in the earlier part of this year, my greatest accomplishment would be starting and maintaining this Blog. It’s something I have wanted to do for a very long time but since I am such a procrastinator coupled with my very demanding career in addition to being crippled by my fears, BLOGGING FEARS, I just couldn’t get it going. The fact that I got this Blog going at all and have been able to stay committed to posting weekly is a very big deal for me and I am actually pretty darn proud of myself for doing it. I even took a Blog Writing course to help me get things going Racquel Writes!

It’s my dream to maintain my Blog, to keep it going and I’m hoping to find topics and stories worthy of my readers’ time to keep them coming back week after week.

2. When you have free time, what is your favorite thing to do?

Free time??!!! What is that?! 😁

If we are talking about my hobbies – I would say I always enjoy sitting in the quiet of my bedroom on my comfy little chair by the window and enjoying a good book. One of my 2018 New Year’s Resolutions was to read at least one book per month and I was doing very well with it, I even read 2 books in the month of March alone, but that entire commitment kind of went left when I started this Blog and I haven’t completed a book since July; but I vow to get back to it for the month of November and beyond. 😃

I also enjoy the movies, I try to get to the cinema at least once every other week (there is always something out that I want to see; yesterday alone I did a double feature with my son – so much fun) and of course I enjoy blogging/writing.

So yeah, that’s my “free time” go tos – Books, Movies and Writing – not necessarily in that order.

3. Who is one of your role models and why?

Here is a cliché – My parents are my role models.

My father was a self-made man, who came from nothing and was able to start and build a successful company. The admiration for my mother comes from her unwavering devotion to her husband and her children. She was not fortunate enough to be a housewife and worked outside of the house for 40 plus years until her retirement, but would always come home and cook a meal for her family. She kept a clean house, helped us with our homework (until we were old enough to get it done ourselves) and was always there to listen.

My parents were married for 45 years until the day my father took his last breath; another reason they’re my role models; because any adult in a relationship, marriage, or otherwise, knows that is no easy feat.

4. Do you know your personality type?

If by this you mean the Myers/Briggs personality type – Nope, never done the test.

5. When did you realize you really enjoy writing?

Might have been in elementary school when the teacher would tell us to write 3 paragraphs on a certain topic and I would take pleasure in writing an entire page or more.

6. Has anything you’ve written been published in a book or newspaper?

Yes, actually! While in high school I sent several pieces to the Gleaner, which was the local newspaper in Jamaica, where I was born and raised, and I was lucky enough to have a few pieces published. The first time I saw my name in print I was ecstatic. I was in the 9th grade.

7. Tell us three other talents you have.

Wow! “Talent” – I dunno. I’m good with people. Is that a talent?

I don’t have any talents. I’m not particularly great at anything. I can’t sing to save my life and I’m an average dancer. I’m not really good at any sports and I don’t play any instruments; so no talents here. That’s kinda sad, isn’t it?! 🤔

8. What’s your biggest inspiration?

Hmmm, let’s see…I have several sources of inspiration, whether it is people or things. However, I would say my “biggest” inspiration would come from love; love for my family. I am inspired to do more, be more and be the best version of me because of the love I have for my husband and my son. I just want to be great for them.

I am also inspired by great writing, music, wonderful friends and the random beauty I sometimes encounter out of the blue.

9. Have you recently made a choice you regret, if so, what was it?

I took a case I knew I shouldn’t. During the initial consultation with the prospective client, my intuition told me I would have a hard time with this client. His personality was a bit too “intense” for my liking. I took the case anyway because I felt I was up for the challenge but boy oh boy did I live to regret it.

10. If you could give one piece of advice to the teenage population, what would it be?

Be a kid! Enjoy it! Wallow in it. Sit back and chill and let your parents take care of you because the responsibilities of adulthood are coming and once it gets here there is no turning back.

One more thing – Wait to have sex! No need to chase it. It will always be there. You’ll have so much of it as an adult you’ll eventually get tired of it, even when it’s really good.

11. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People who spit in public. I. Cannot. Stand. That!!!

Now, I’m supposed to nominate 11 other bloggers to participate, for the Sunshine Blogger Award. However, in the past, I have nominated other bloggers for other awards and have been met with the “I don’t do awards” sentiment, which is totally cool, to each his own. I have also nominated other bloggers who said they would participate but they just didn’t get to it. So how about this? If it is in your pleasure to participate in the Sunshine Blogger Awards; then go right ahead; please feel free to answer the questions above and tag me in your response post.

Thank you for reading!!!

57 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Hello Rakkelle. I enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know a little about you. I say yes, getting along well with people is a talent–and evidently blogging is one of your talents, based on the number of awards for which you’ve been nominated. Congratulations. I’m new to your blog–found it through a comment on Meditations in Motion–and I will be back. Happy Friday!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Christie! What a fantastic commentary to have woken up to. You have made my Friday with this one…I truly appreciate it.

      I’m glad you found me because that means I have also found you. I will now be following your Blog. Thanks for making my day, Christie.


  2. Congratulations Rakelle on this Nomination for The Sunshine Blogging Award. I liked your answers which are honest, personal and awesome !! Proud of you as I enjoy reading your blogs. You do have a great future writing !!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Aww, look at you girl!!! Another award for a worthy lady! Honey, 45 years says a lot – people today can’t even get past 6 mos, less known a year!! You had wonderful parents who raised an amazingly, talented woman and she, in turn, is raising an amazing, talented and gifted son…WOW!
    I enjoyed reading your post and love, love, love your authentic advice for the teen nation. If they all could hear that – especially about the sex part, their world would be easier and less persuasive by their friends.

    It was nice getting to know you a little better and I know what you’re saying about asking people about blogging. Sometimes I almost hate to reach out because people don’t do it; however, I have one to do from you and I’m going to use your words at the end…lol lol.

    Hugs and Love, Sis.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, Sis; 45 years is a testament to their patience, tolerance and love. I hope to make it there one day; but I also know that we (the hubby and I) have to put in the work. My first marriage lasted less than 3 years so I already know anything worth having is gonna take a lot of work.

      The more I blog the more my readers get to know me. So what about you? I’m dying to learn more about Roshonda N. Blacknmon; so c’mon get to it. Lol.

      Thanks for always reading, Sis; and also for always providng such valauble feedback. Xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh yes, Sis – I feel ya. My first marriage lasted a year (we dated longer than that!!). It’s definitely hard work indeed and take “two” people to push it forward. I’m praying many, many years of wedded bliss for you and your hubby. May all the good days outweigh the bad.

        Yesssss, I’m gettin to it – I’m gettin to it! Lol lol…

        You’re so welcome, it’s so easy with your blogs, although sometimes I’m like – Roshonda, just like and move on…because I don’t always want to be like I have something to say ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time (you get But I can’t help it…one day I will…bahahah…lol. Much Love Sis xoxo

        Liked by 2 people

      2. No! No! No! I want you to say ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (do I have enough Ls?) that. I apppracite every single owrd you type in your comments. I smile when I get your feedback, girl! Don’t you dare stop! 😃

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I have loads of pet peeves (thank you, OCD), so thank you for limiting me to naming just one otherwise we’d be here all day! LOL

        Traffic – most specifically, people being a-holes and not following road rules because it’s an inconvenience for them. Entitled jackholes…

        Liked by 2 people

  4. This is awesome news Racquel! Not just one but being nominated for 3 awards! I am not surprised though…your blogs are always a good read and I really look forward to seeing what your next post will be. Congrats!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I gotta say Rakkelle, you are one classy dame. Raised by great parents, a hard worker and it seems you appreciate those around you, for just being who they are. You’re old fashioned and you got moxy. Great read, it’s nice to hear more about you.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hahahahaha, thanks Rakkelle, I’m not trying to show off. It’s just the way I talk. You’re pretty damn impressive yourself. Immigrant, Lawyer, mother and wife, you’re hands are full and there’s probably not enough time in the day for you. Yet you do it 24/7-365.

        I don’t know where you get the energy. Then again it sounds like you had the perfect model to imprint. Your parents sound amazing. They made an awesome woman!!!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Awwwwwwwwwww, 007! You’re about to make me cry. I’m a bit a wus like that.

        I enjoy going to the dictionary. I like learning new words and then trying to use them in a sentence. 😂 I’m laughing but I’m not joking. 😂

        My parents were (are) amazing. I have learned so much from them, more than I can count. There is not enough words in the English language to thank them for all they’ve done for me (and my brothers). I bet you could think of some words though. 😀

        Thanks again, 007! You’re awfully kind.

        Liked by 2 people

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